Axia extensible door
Facilitate fitting out openings

Axia is your friend when it comes to delicate management issues. For small spaces and poorly demarcated components, Axia provides an answer to these difficult to overcome issues. Imitation wood allows an authentic touch to be added when it comes to partitioning.
Minimum storage requirements
Easy to install and maintain
Height and width adjustable
Adjustable width by adding additional panels: 1 door wing of 0.84 m up to 1.42 m or 2 door wings of 1.68 m up to 2.84 m
Easy to match classic colours
2.05 m L x 0.84 m w
10 mm thickness of walls
Handle and finger plate in aluminium
Lockable with key
Printed frame
High rail clippable (no screws interfering with sliding property)
SambaAxia extensible door Samba
TeakAxia extensible door Teak
White woodAxia extensible door White wood